The Anunnaki: Sky People and the Origins of Humanity in Mesopotamian Texts

The Mesopotamian stories from the ancient cultures of Sumerian, Babylonia, Akkadia, and Assyria speak of the arrival on planet Earth of advanced extraterrestrial people in our deep past. These stories, curated by the world’s oldest known culture with the world’s oldest body of written texts, speak of an Anunnaki sky people who colonized planet Earth, genetically modifying our hominid ancestors and governing over planet Earth for tens and hundreds of thousands of years. These Mesopotamian stories are not religious texts, nor do they speak at any length of an almighty God. They are the stories of plural advanced beings, not from Earth and not human.

From Enki to Elohim: The Transformation of Ancient Stories Across Cultures

Enki is the commander of Project Earth. His younger brother Enlil is the commander of this region of space. Other entities like Namma, Ninhursag, Qingu, and Marduk all play their part in a story of conflicts over their agendas for our planet and our race. The stories of the Elohim, the powerful ones of the Bible, appear to be a summary form of these even more ancient recollections of sky people.

The moment you put Elohim back into the plural and read these stories as the stories of the powerful ones, you realize what we have is the summary form of the Mesopotamian stories about Enlil, Anki, and the sky people. So, are the early narratives of Genesis creation stories only giving the credit for that work of creation to a different kind of entity? Or is something else being recalled?

The reason I’m so confident this is not a creation story as we imagine it to be is that before any word of creation is spoken, before the “let there be light” and the advent of the sun and the moon and the stars, planet Earth already exists and it’s flooded and shrouded in darkness. Now, some would say you’re overinterpreting the order of the sentences that we’ve been told that in the beginning the earth was in a chaotic state, and now we’re going to be told how we got there.

Homo sapiens sapiens: A Legacy of Extraterrestrial Influence?

The reason I don’t think that is the right reading is that almost every ancestral narrative concerning the origins of our civilization begins with a planet that is flooded and shrouded in darkness. We find it here in Genesis. I am saying this is a restatement of the Mesopotamian stories, which begin with the descent of the sky people to the flood waters, which then have to be separated using vortices of wind. You go to the Philippines, and you’ve got stories of the Tagalog, the hawk hovering over the flood waters using its wings to create vortices, to begin clearing land so that the planet could be terraformed. You listen to the Edo people of Nigeria, and they talk about Osanobua, the almighty one above the waters, who arrives and begins terraforming.


You listen to the story of the arrival of viticulture over the waters of Lake Titicaca. It’s the same thing now here in Genesis. We have the arrival of the Ruach, and again, the root meaning of that word implies something that creates a wind, and that is the story of terraforming we find all around the planet. So that’s why I’m confident that the order of sentences in Genesis is quite correct. Our memories do begin on a planet that is flooded and chaotic. And the phrase in the Hebrew “tohu wa-bohu” implies the planet has been devastated by a cataclysm, and that is when the powerful ones show up. These correlations among ancient narratives in which our cultural memory begins on a flooded and devastated planet hint at the possibility that these stories have their roots in the ancestral memory of Earth’s most recent planetary cataclysm. The global impact of the Clovis Comet, an extinction-level event along with the trauma of the Younger Dryas Cold period from 12,800 to 11,600 years ago, would have caused sky fires, rapid freezing, and immense tsunamis on a global scale. Other anomalies in the stories of Genesis raise questions about the departure of Homo sapiens sapiens from the array of other hominids occupying planet Earth in the distant past.

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